Authored by Jenna McCarthy via substack,
Somebody’s lying by the seat of their pants-on-fire…
When my childhood best friend Robbie was around five, an irresistible bit of artistic inspiration struck. Robbie decided to express this creative urge by decorating a billboard sized section of the family’s living room wall with crayons. Amid the colorful squiggles and scribbles, he wrote the very best word he knew as large as he could write it: ROBBIE.
It was a masterpiece.
“Not too bright, kid,” his older brother Mike snickered when he saw Robbie’s installment.
“Why not?” Robbie wondered aloud. He thought it was rather perfect.
“Because you wrote your name. Now Mom’s going to know you did it.”
According to family lore, when Mom later discovered Robbie’s handiwork, he had deftly scratched out his name and replaced it with another, even larger word he also knew well: MOM. His thinking, of course, was obviously she’ll think she did it.
(Robbie is a legend.)
I find this story a comical analogy for today’s warped political landscape, with democrats scribbling DICTATOR and FASCIST and WARMONGERING and THREAT TO DEMOCRACY all over everything they touch and then crossing out DEMOCRAT and replacing it with REPUBLICAN *maybe nobody will notice*.
In psychological circles, the tactic is called projection, and it’s used to deflect suspicion, criticism, and accountability. A classic example is when a cheating spouse accuses their committed partner of being unfaithful. Most of us [who are not in fact getting some side action and hoping to continue to get away with it] wouldn’t respond to such an allegation with, “I’m certainly not cheating, but I bet you are!” No, our instinct would be to try to defend ourselves. We’d ask out partner why on earth they would think such a thing and wonder what we’d done to sow a seed of doubt. We’d concentrate on being doting and loving and affectionate and steadfast. If we *did* have some quiet concerns about our partner’s fidelity, we’d promptly sweep them right under the rug. To do anything else would be the picture of paranoia. I mean, what sort of psychopath accuses an innocent someone else of doing precisely what they are doing?
In a word: DEMOCRATS.
Let’s look at some of the colorful words the left tries to paint conservatives with, and then explore some fun facts, shall we?
Oh, how liberals love to play the dictatorial fear porn card. Donald Trump is a fascist! He called the (rigged) election rigged! He wants to impose congressional term limits! He’ll willy-nilly fire people [cough-James-Comey-cough] who conduct half-assed “investigations” into his dirty opponents! He calls the beloved and clearly unbiased media “the enemy of the people.” His rhetoric and policies reflect a grotesque nationalism that prioritizes American interests and identity over global cooperation! He respects Vladimir Putin, a man who wants to defend and protect his country from outside threats (that we perpetually fund)! Obviously he’s the next Stalin (even though he advocates for the exact opposite of collectivization)! Be very afraid.
I don’t know if anyone has noticed this, but Kamala Harris is currently representing 45 million registered democrats even though not a single one of them directly voted for her. (I feel like Biden’s middle finger MAGA hat salute says more than words ever could about how he feels about that.) She represents the side that wanted to force every person on the planet to inject experimental toxins into their bodies. She has said she will issue executive orders—you know, the kind that bypass the legislative process—to protect immigrants and criminals and the climate. But Momala couldn’t be a dictator in disguise! That’s fake news. Obviously.
Ah, yes. Democrats are deeply concerned with women’s rights to abort their unborn babies bodily autonomy. And nobody cares about your-body-your-choice more than Kamala The Uterus Czar Harris.
Also you can’t work for her unless you’re vaccinated. But you know, transgender surgeries for illegal immigrants and abortions for everyone!
Democrats spit fire when they talk of Trump “banning abortion,” when what his SCOTUS appointees effectively did was return regulatory power to the states. What abortion lovers may not realize is that granting the federal government sweeping power over issues of bodily autonomy is actually the far more dangerous position. (Do China’s one-child policy and sex-selective abortions ring a bell? Is it inconceivable that a future American administration could try to control reproduction in the name of social justice or inclusion?) In a state managed system, there will always be somewhere you can go where your values are promoted and upheld.
In The War on Ivermectin, my coauthor Dr. Pierre Kory and I describe what the left dubbed “misinformation” during the pandemic as “any factual data that was inconvenient to the narrative.” Natural immunity? Misinformation. Vaccines won’t prevent infection or transmission? Misinformation. Masks that never worked for any virus in history still not working against Covid? Misinformation. Lockdowns will have harmful economic, mental health, and social effects? Misinformation. Cheap, off-patent, EUA-threatening drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine can treat Covid? Misinformation. The now generally accepted lab-leak theory? Misinformation.
Anti-vaxxers. Conspiracy theorists. Science deniers. Public health threats. Quack advocates. Those of us sharing factual data that was inconvenient to the narrative were called all of these things and more. These ad hominem attacks became the number one weapon of the “safe and effective” side. Can’t refute the science? Silence the messenger. Capture all of the scientific journals. Buy out the media. Repeat ad nauseum. Easy peasy.
A warmonger (and sorry for always being so damned literal, but it’s my job), is a person, leader, or group that advocates for, promotes, or deliberately seeks war or conflict, often for political, economic, or ideological reasons. To hear the media tell it, Trump is the reincarnation of Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great rolled into one bellicose political baron. (Maybe journalists don’t actually know what the word warmongering means? Seems likely.)
Ironically, Trump was the first US president in decades not to initiate a major military conflict while in office. He has pledged to end the Russia-Ukraine war within 24 hours of reassuming office. (I’m not saying he can do it, but you don’t hear Hahaharris promising to end any wars.) During his presidency, Trump reduced tensions with North Korea and Iran, played nice with China, and worked to bring our troops home from “endless wars” we had no business fighting IMO around the globe. Meanwhile, our current administration has us teetering closer to the brink of WWIII than anytime in the last half decade. If the US’s nonstop support of military aid to Ukraine and Taiwan isn’t a provocation of war… remine me what would be?
“In this debate tonight, you’re going to hear from the same old, tired playbook, a bunch of lies, grievances and name-calling…”
“Well, as I said, you’re going to hear a bunch of lies…”
“Yet again, I said it at the beginning of this debate, you’re going to hear a bunch of lies coming from this fella…”
These quotes are from a woman who, according to an ABC whistleblower in a sworn affidavit, received “sample questions” that mirrored the actual debate questions in advance, was promised that Trump would be fact-checked during the debate and she would not, and was assured that no questions regarding Biden’s health, her tenure as AG in San Francisco, or her brother-in-law Tony West (an attorney, former government official, and Senior VP of Uber who has been accused of some seriously sketchy crap and who would likely be involved in her administration if elected) would be allowed. But just so we’re clear, Trump’s the liar.
You know what’s dangerous to democracy? The capture and collusion of the press. The silencing of free speech. The suppression of political opposition. The manipulation of public opinion. The authorization of pharmaceutical advertising. The dismissal of natural immunity and vaccine injury. The relentless and undeniable march toward one world government, CBDC, 15 minute prisons cities, and the inevitable social credit scores that will regulate all of it.
Kamala Harris repeatedly blames the cost of groceries on “price gouging.” It’s not the minimum wage hikes, or the skyrocketing rents, or the ever increasing cost of goods, services, repair, maintenance, fuel, utilities, overhead, insurance, licensing, loan interest, and transportation. It’s not because it costs the farmer twice as much to feed his chickens so he has to charge more for the eggs. It’s just those greedy supermarkets exploiting their market power—like an umbrella vendor doubling his prices the minute it starts misting. But don’t worry, she’ll crack down with all sorts of federal bans and increased regulations and expanded consumer protection laws somehow, magically, you’ll get cheaper eggs (I don’t understand it either but it sounds a lot like communism to me).
The very definition of democracy is a system of government in which power is derived from the consent of the governed. Which party wants you to limit your rights to speak freely, protect your family, and refuse the latest toxic Bill Gates-funded poison? (Hint: It’s not republicans.) Which party told the WHO, the UN, the WEF to pound sand? (Hint: It wasn’t democrats.)
A true threat to democracy is any action, behavior, or condition that undermines fair elections, individual rights, or the free access to unbiased information from an independent press. If you need me to tell you which party is the true threat, your TDS may be flaring up again. (Don’t worry, they’re working on a vaccine for that.)
In other news, I didn’t have the energy to cover yesterday’s second assassination attempt on President Trump but as always, Jeff Childers was on it bright and early. All I can say is that at least this time, the media is actually calling it what it was and not “some popping noises” in the general vicinity.
And for the love of all that is holy, could someone please get that man a bulletproof bubble? TIA.
Tyler Durden
Thu, 09/19/2024 – 13:25
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